We are glad to announce that we have in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania a new dealer- STOKKER AS. Stokker has over twenty-five years of experience in sales and maintenance of tools and machinery. Extensive knowledge of their specialists ensures offering the best solutions. The largest maintenance team in the Baltics keeps customers equipment always running.
With their background, wide sales network and customer support we can be sure that FARMA forestry machinery and BIGAB´s agricultural and construction machinery are in good hands and available all over Baltic.
Welcome to the team!
Meil on hea
meel teatada, et alates sellest aastast on FORS MW AS toodete ametlikuks
edasimüüjaks Baltimaades Stokker AS. Stokker on Baltikumis juhtiv
professionaalsete tööriistade ja masinate müügi-ja teenindusettevõte. Edasimüüja
ajalooline taust, lai teenindusvõrk ning klienditugi annab meile kindlustunde,
et FARMA metsaveo ja BIGABi põllumajandus- ja ehitustehnika müük Eestis on
heades kätes ja paremini kättesaadav üle kogu Baltikumi.
Tere tulemast meeskonda!