This year Maamess, which is the biggest fair in Estonia marks an anniversary - taking place for the 25th time! And FARMA is also going to take part of the anniversary celebrations!
Together with Peetri Talutehnika / Maskin Grupp OÜ we are going to show there our FARMA products. It is a great opportunity to have a closer look at our products since Peetri Talutehnika is the only dealer in Estonia who is selling FARMA and they are willing to assist you if you happen to have any questions regards to our assortment of products.
Find us at Stand VP-42 in Tartu Fairs Centre, 20 - 22nd of April.
Eesti keeles:
Maamess tähistab oma 25.ndat juubeliaastat ning suurtest pidustustest ei puudu ka loomulikult FARMA!
Varasematel aastatel on edasimüüja Peetri Talutehnika / Maskin Grupp OÜ meie masinad messile kaasa võtnud ning oma stendil VP-42 esitlenud - nii saab see ka olema sel aastal!
Meie oleme koos Peetri Talutehnikaga 20.-22. aprillil 2017 Tartu Näituste messikeskuses. Leia meid stendilt VP-42 ning astu ligi!